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What are the different types of overhead cables


Overhead cables are a critical component of modern power distribution systems, providing a reliable means of transmitting electrical energy over long distances.

These cables are suspended above the ground on poles or towers, making them an efficient and cost-effective solution for delivering electricity to urban, suburban, and rural areas.

The design, materials, and construction of these cables can vary significantly depending on the application, environmental conditions, and the voltage level required.

Different types of Overhead Cables

This article will delve into the different types of overhead cables, exploring their characteristics, applications, advantages, and disadvantages.

Different types of Overhead Cables

1. Bare Conductor Cables

Bare conductor cables are the most basic type of overhead cable, consisting of a single or multiple strands of conductive material, typically aluminum or copper.

These cables are uninsulated and rely on the air surrounding them for insulation. Bare conductors are widely used in power transmission and distribution networks, especially in high-voltage applications.

1.1. Types

There are three types of Bare conductors Cables as below,

ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)

ACSR cables consist of a core of steel strands surrounded by aluminum strands. The steel core provides mechanical strength, while the aluminum strands offer excellent conductivity.

ACSR cables are commonly used for high-voltage transmission lines due to their ability to withstand high tension and their resistance to corrosion.

AAC (All Aluminum Conductor)

AAC cables are made entirely of aluminum strands. They are lightweight and have good conductivity, making them suitable for short to medium-length transmission lines in urban and rural areas.

However, AAC cables have lower mechanical strength compared to ACSR cables.

AAAC (All Aluminum Alloy Conductor)

AAAC Cables are composed of aluminum alloy strands, offering a balance between conductivity and mechanical strength.

These cables are used in areas with high mechanical stress, such as coastal regions, where resistance to corrosion is crucial.

1.2 Advantages of Bare Conductor Cables:

1. High conductivity

2. Cost-effective for high-voltage transmission

3. Low maintenance requirements

1.3 Disadvantages of Bare Conductor Cables:

1. Lack of insulation increases the risk of short circuits or electrical faults

2. Susceptible to environmental factors like ice and wind loading

2. Insulated Overhead Cables

Unlike bare conductors, It have an insulating layer around the conductive core.

This insulation provides additional protection against environmental factors and reduces the risk of electrical faults.

Insulated cables are commonly used in low to medium-voltage applications, particularly in urban areas where safety is a concern.

2.1. Types

Aerial Bundled Cables (ABC)

ABC cables consist of several insulated conductors bundled together and are commonly used in low-voltage distribution networks.

The insulation reduces the risk of electrical faults and makes installation easier and safer. ABC cables are ideal for use in densely populated areas, where safety and reliability are paramount.

Covered Conductor Cables

Covered conductor cables are similar to bare conductors but have a protective covering that provides basic insulation.

This covering offers some protection against short circuits caused by tree branches or other objects coming into contact with the cable.

Covered conductors are often used in areas with high vegetation density.

2.2. Advantages 

1. Enhanced safety due to insulation

2. Reduced risk of short circuits and electrical faults

3. Suitable for densely populated or vegetation-rich areas


1. Higher cost compared to bare conductors

2. Potential for insulation degradation over time

3. High-Temperature Low-Sag (HTLS) Cables

HTLS cables are a specialized type of overhead cable designed to operate at high temperatures while maintaining low sag characteristics.

These cables are used in situations where it is necessary to upgrade the capacity of existing transmission lines without replacing the entire infrastructure.

3.1. Types

ACSS (Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported)

ACSS cables are similar to ACSR cables but are designed to operate at higher temperatures.

The steel core provides mechanical support, while the aluminum strands can carry higher currents without significant sagging.

ACSS cables are ideal for upgrading existing transmission lines to handle increased loads.


GTACSR cables feature a small gap between the aluminum strands and the steel core, allowing the aluminum to expand without increasing the overall sag of the cable.

These cables are used in environments with extreme temperature variations.

3.2. Advantages of HTLS Cables

1. Ability to carry higher currents without increasing sag

2. Cost-effective solution for upgrading existing infrastructure

3. Reduced risk of line clearance issues due to low sag characteristics

3.3. Disadvantages of HTLS Cables

1. Higher initial cost compared to standard conductors

2. Requires careful installation and maintenance to ensure performance

4. Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Cables

OPGW cables are a hybrid type of overhead cable that combines the functions of a ground wire and a fiber optic communication cable.

These cables are typically used in high-voltage transmission lines, where they provide both grounding and communication capabilities.

4.1. Structure of OPGW Cables

OPGW cables consist of a central tube containing optical fibers, surrounded by layers of aluminum and steel strands.

The steel strands provide mechanical strength, while the aluminum strands offer conductivity for grounding.

The Optical Fibers within the cable are used for high-speed data transmission, making OPGW cables ideal for integrating communication networks with power transmission systems.

4.2. Advantages of OPGW Cables

1. Dual functionality: grounding and communication

2. High-speed data transmission capability

3. Improved system reliability and monitoring through integrated communication

4.3. Disadvantages of OPGW Cables

1. Higher cost compared to traditional ground wires

2. Complex installation and maintenance procedures

5. Composite Core Cables

Composite core cables are an advanced type of overhead cable that uses a non-metallic core, typically made of carbon fiber or other high-strength composite materials.

These cables are designed to offer superior mechanical performance, including higher strength and lower sag, compared to traditional Metallic Core Cables.

5.1. Types of Composite Core Cables:

ACCC (Aluminum Conductor Composite Core)

ACCC cables use a composite core made of carbon fiber or other high-strength materials, surrounded by aluminum strands.

These cables offer lower sag and higher current-carrying capacity than ACSR or ACSS cables.

ACCC cables are used in areas with challenging environmental conditions, such as high wind or ice loading.

ACCR (Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced)

ACCR cables feature a core made of aluminum matrix composite, providing a combination of high strength and excellent conductivity.

These cables are used in applications where both mechanical performance and electrical efficiency are critical.

5.2. Advantages of Composite Core Cables

1. Superior mechanical performance: high strength and low sag

2. Higher current-carrying capacity compared to traditional cables

3. Resistance to environmental factors like corrosion and high temperatures

5.3 Disadvantages of Composite Core Cables

1. Higher cost due to advanced materials and manufacturing processes

2. Specialized installation techniques required

6. Spacer Cable Systems

Spacer cable systems are a unique type of overhead cable installation that involves multiple conductors mounted on a messenger wire, with spacers used to maintain the proper distance between the conductors.

This system is designed to improve the reliability and performance of overhead power lines, particularly in areas with challenging environmental conditions.

6.1. Components of Spacer Cable Systems

1. Messenger Wire: A high-strength, insulated wire that supports the conductors and provides mechanical stability.

2. Conductors: Insulated or bare conductors that carry the electrical current.

3. Spacers: Devices used to maintain the correct distance between conductors, reducing the risk of short circuits and improving the overall reliability of the system.

6.2. Advantages of Spacer Cable Systems

1. Improved reliability and performance in harsh environments

2. Reduced risk of short circuits due to conductor spacing

3. Enhanced mechanical stability and resistance to wind and ice loading

6.3. Disadvantages of Spacer Cable Systems

1. Higher installation and maintenance costs

2. More complex system design and engineering required

7. Underground-to-Overhead Transition Cables

In some cases, power transmission systems require a transition between underground cables and overhead cables.

These transition cables are designed to handle the unique challenges of connecting different types of systems, ensuring reliable and efficient power delivery.

7.1 Design Considerations for Transition Cables

Insulation: The transition cable must have sufficient insulation to handle the voltage levels of both the underground and overhead systems.

Mechanical Strength: The cable must be able to withstand the mechanical stresses associated with both underground and overhead installations.

Environmental Protection: The cable must be resistant to environmental factors such as moisture, temperature fluctuations, and UV radiation.

7.2. Advantages of Transition Cables

1. Seamless integration of underground and overhead systems

2. Improved reliability and performance

3. Flexibility in power system design and expansion

7.3. Disadvantages of Transition Cables

1. Higher cost due to specialized design and materials

2. Complex installation and maintenance procedures

8. Coated Conductor Cables

Coated conductor cables are a type of overhead cable that features a protective coating applied to the conductive core.

This coating provides additional protection against environmental factors, such as corrosion, abrasion, and chemical exposure.

Coated conductors are used in areas with harsh environmental conditions, where the durability and longevity of the cable are critical.

8.1. Types of Coated Conductor Cables

Enameled Conductors:

These conductors have a thin layer of enamel coating, providing protection against corrosion and wear.

Enameled conductors are commonly used in applications where space is limited, and mechanical protection is essential.

Polymer-Coated Conductors

These conductors feature a polymer coating that offers superior resistance to environmental factors, such as UV radiation, moisture, and chemicals.

Polymer-coated conductors are ideal for use in coastal areas, industrial environments, and other harsh conditions.

8.2. Advantages of Coated Conductor Cables

1. Enhanced protection against environmental factors

2. Increased durability and longevity

3. Reduced maintenance requirements

8.3. Disadvantages of Coated Conductor Cables

1. Higher cost compared to uncoated conductors

2. Potential for coating degradation over time


Overhead cables are a vital component of power transmission and distribution systems, offering a range of options to meet the diverse needs of different applications and environments.

From bare conductor cables used in high-voltage transmission lines to insulated cables designed for urban areas, each type of this cable has its own set of characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

Understanding the different types of this cables and their specific applications is crucial for designing and maintaining reliable and efficient power systems.

Whether it’s upgrading existing infrastructure with HTLS cables, integrating communication networks with OPGW cables, or ensuring durability with coated conductors, the choice of this cable can significantly impact the performance and reliability of the entire power distribution network.

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